Fiasco happened yesterday trying to check in the the hostel at 3pm. The whole group's reservations were under the name "Amy Richards" (!!!!!), as it turns out we couldn't actually check in to get to our rooms until Amy Richards showed up. That was a problem because Amy Richards had no intentions of showing up to our hostel. For some reason, I became the woman in charge. What. what?!! After a few phone calls and a couple angry hostel employees we got it sorted out. It was still a mess though.
My hostel room is very, very tiny with two bunk beds stuffed into it. and a very flimsy locker.
I have three other roommates; Amy, Teri, and Katie. All from Virginia. Katie from James Madison University and Amy/Teri from Old Dominion University. They're pretty cool. It was fun to go around and try to find all the women in our group, they are all here, I'm pretty sure.
Best thing about our room, it has air conditioning.
I got to explore a lot of Greenwich Village yesterday, the NYU campus also. I tried to ride the subway for the first time, I was thoroughly confused. There are different lines that go to different places, so many colors, I got coughed on by an Italian guy. Seriously, he just like coughed all over my hand. I ended up getting off at 86th street, my hostel is on 106th street and across Central Park. So, I walked it. Central Park is huge, and amazing, and beautiful. More about it later.
Last night, went out with a few ladies to an Ethiopian Restaurant a few blocks away. Hello new favorite food. It was so amazing, so different, so many new things are happening! It's good.
I'm opening a Flickr account so I can post photos on it, so internetland can see them. I'll post the link.
Today is Human Trafficking and Sex Work day. This should be interesting.
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